Hi, thanks for dropping by. I’m a linguist working in the field of sociolinguistics and lexicography with the focus on how gender and sexuality are manifested in the language we use in our everyday lives. Apart from information on my qualifications and academic activity, this site provides some links to resources of interest to those with similar research pursuits.

This website will navigate you through information concerning my education, professional interests and activities and on how to get in touch with me. It features the talks I’ve given at various professional venues and events as well as projects I’ve been involved in.

Thanks for your interest in my work,


Feel free to get in touch with me anytime:
l.pakula@gmail.com /LinkedIn

Łukasz Pakuła

Degrees and research interests

PhD in English Linguistics (in progress),Faculty of English @ Adam Mickiewicz University
Suggested title:Discursive construction of sexual and gender identities and practices in pedagogical and general-use dictionaries of English. Supervisor: Prof. Arleta Adamska-Sałaciak

M.A. in English Linguistics, Faculty of English @ Adam Mickiewicz University (2009)
Thesis title: Seeing through dictionaries: On defining basic colour terms in English, Japanese and Polish lexicography
Supervisor: Prof. Arleta Adamska-Sałaciak
Reviewer: Prof. Robert Lew

B.A. in English Linguistics, Faculty of English @ Adam Mickiewicz University (2007)
Thesis title: Lexical stock under scrutiny: exploring the mental representations of morphologically complex structures
Supervisor: Dr Karolina Rataj


Research interests

I’m a big fan of interdisciplinary research but I do recognise its origins. The traditionally understood fields of inquiry that I pursue are as follows: Lexicography, Lexicology, Corpus Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Language and sexuality, Language and gender, Critical Discourse Analysis.

While I have done some research in the area of psycholinguistics, I am currently interested in the intersections of linguistics and sociology. The shift in my interests is reflected in the PhD research I am conducting at the moment – I am looking at the representations and constructions of gender and nonheteronormativity in lexicographic works.

Apart from doing work on works of reference, I have a keen interest in exploring social identities within a broadly conceived educational context (see the bookmark on the British Council-funded project) as well as looking into the construction on nonheteronormative identities in newspapers. More recent academic pursuits have focused around neo-right discourses invoking a redefined ideas of the “ideology of gender” and the “ideology of LGBT” conjured up for political games and gains. This is reflected in the current projects I’m involved in as well as the book I’ve recently edited: Linguistic Perspectives on Sexuality in Education: Representations, Constructions and Negotiations (Palgrave Macmillan).

Grants and Scholarships

Workshops and related events

  • Workshop in Word Pattern Analysis, convener: Professor Patrick Hanks, Poznań, April 2009
  • Workshop in Descriptive issues of English verb valency,convener: Professor Thomas Herbst, Poznań, April 2010
  • Workshop on indirect sexism, convener: Professor Sara Mills, Lancaster, March 2011
  • Workshop: WordSmith Tools version 6.0, convener: Professor Mike Scott, Valencia, April 2011
  • Manchester Feminist Theory Network Masterclasses “The Case For Feminism”,Manchester, May 2011
  • The 4th Annual Sexuality Summer School, Machester, May 2011
  • Gender, Sexuality and Political Economy Workshop, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, May 2011
  • Articulations of Gender and the Body Workshop, conveners: Dr. Jane Sunderland and Dr. Charlotte Baker, Lancaster, June 2011
  • Summer School of Linguistics, Cognitive English Grammar: Theory, Practice and Beyond, conveners: Professor Günter Radden and Professor Boguslaw Bierwiaczonek, Olsztyn, August 2011
  • 5th BAAL Gender and Language Special Interest Group Event (GaLSig): Gender and Language in the Public Space, Birmingham, September 2011
  • Workshop:Critical discourse analysis and corpus linguistics: An exercise in reflexive methodology, convener: Professor Gerlinde Mautner, Poznań, May 2012
  • Queering ESOL Seminar Series, Seminar 1:Institutional and Legal Frameworks (Institute of Education)Institute of Education, University of London, November 2013
  • Queering ESOL Seminar Series – Seminar 3:Voices from the classroom: LGBT learners and teachers,King’s College, London, June 2014
  • Rodziny z wyboru w Polsce. Życie rodzinne osób nieheteroseksualnych [Families of choice in Poland. Family life of non-heterosexual people], Warszawa, Poland, 2014
  • Queering ESOL Seminar Series – Seminar 5: LGBT Representations: media, literature, pedagogic materials (King’s College, London) Saturday 21st March 2015
  • Gender w podręcznikach – diagnoza w kierunku równościowej i antydyskryminacyjnej edukacji szkolnej [Gender in textbooks — towards equal and antidiscriminatory education], Kancelaria Prezesa Rady Ministrów, 9th September 2015, Warsaw, Poland