Talks and lectures

Keynote talks

  • Foreign words as empty vessels: the case of the Polish ‘ideology of gender’, symposium on Language Policies in the Light of Anti-Discrimination and Political Correctness: Tendencies and Changes in the Slavonic Languages, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Austria

Invited talks/lecture

Panels/colloquia (organiser and convener)

congress talks

Other talks

  • Lexicology and Lexicography Reading Group, AMU, Poznań, Poland, 2010
  • Language and Gender Research Group, Lancaster University, UK, 2011
  • Lexicology and Lexicography Reading Group, AMU, Poznań, Poland, 2011
  • Language, Gender, and Sexuality Research Group, AMU, Poznań, Poland, 2012
  • Lexicology and Lexicography Reading Group, AMU, Poznań, Poland, 2013
  • Dlaczego razi cię ministra, a nie rażą printy i masthewy within the Wykłady Otwarte Wydziału Anglistyki (Open Lectures at the Faculty of English) series (jointly with Anna Jelec), 2013
  • Poznań Pride Week, Teatr Ósmego Dnia, Poznań, Poland, 2015 (Homoseksualność a Homoseksualizm: czy jest jakaś różnica? O tym jak psychiatria i konteksty społeczno-kulturowe wpływały na postrzeganie nieheteronormatywności; jointly with Marta Mazurek)