Hot off the press: LGBT issues at Polish universities

I’m thrilled to bits to announce that a paper I wrote jointly with my amazing collaborator, Joanna Chojnicka, is now out!

When the obligation to be neutral becomes the right to discriminate: Discursive struggles over LGBT+ rights at Polish universities is part of a special edition of the prestigious Brazilian Trabalhos Em Linguística Aplicada (Papers in Applied Linguistics), a journal published by The State University of Campinas/Brazil – on “ Resistance in contesting discursive practices in fragile democracies”.

This issue was guest-edited by Luiz Paulo Moita-Lopes (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) and Joana Plaza Pinto (Federal University of Goiás) and appeared as a joint invited volume by The Brazilian Association for Applied Linguistics (ALAB) and Papers in Applied Linguistics and it celebrates the 30th anniversary of ALAB. We are grateful to Luiz Paulo Moita-Lopes for his kind offer to contribute and Joana Plaza Pinto for her support along the way.

New article hot off the press

New article hot off the press

There’s even more great news! The publication is open-source, so please share and get in touch should you want to discuss our research.

Importantly, this study is a part of a larger project, Shaking the Ivory Tower: discursive constructions of academia across geographies, communities and genres, you can read about in the Projects section of this website.

Here’s the link to our article (also downloadable in the pdf format).

Feel encouraged to “flick through” the entire issue here.

Thanks for your interest in my research!

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